
Quote of the Day – More Than Marmalade

Portobello Road had always been Michael’s favorite street to explore. The shops were on the lowest floor of the townhomes that lined the streets. The owners lived on the upper floors, and the fronts were painted in a rainbow of pastel colors. Sky-blue and sunny-yellow houses next to mint-green ones. A rosy-pink home might be next to a coral-orange house.

–More Than Marmalade by Rosanne Tolin

Book Review – More Than Marmalade

Through every beloved character shines their creator’s spirit. More Than Marmalade is an approachable history lesson about writer, Michael Bond, and his famous bear.

Michael’s mother read even more than he did. Every week, she went to the public library to check out new books. Michael always tagged along. The wide aisles filled with thick hardbacks thrilled him. He slowly wandered through the stacks to see what might catch his eye.

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Show & Tell – Summer Reading Bingo


To keep things interesting, I’m using book bingo to help me get through my summer reading pile.

Categories completed so far:

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