10/10 Reading Update for 2024

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To keep my reading goals focused on fun, I use a scaling system to track my progress throughout the year. my 2024 Reading Goal on Goodreads begins low and goes up by increments of 10. In celebration of each new milestone reached, I’ll share some Middle Grade books I’m looking forward to reading!

Middle Grade To Read Pile: books I'm excited to read in 2024. Graphic includes the books THE LABORS OF HERCULES BEAL by Gary D. Schmidt; SPARKLE by Lakita Wilson; THE LOTTERYS PLUS ONE by Emma Donoghue; CHOMP by Carl Hiaasen; JUDE SAVES THE WORLD by Ronnie Riley; and STING by Jude Watson.
The Labors of Hercules Beal by Gary D. Schmidt

The Labors of Hercules Beal

Gary D. Schmidt

This book was a recent recommendation and I can’t wait to give it a try! A boy named Hercules is enrolled in an unusual new school and tasked by his quirky homeroom teacher to duplicate the twelve heroic feats of his mythical namesake. It sounds like my kind of adventure.


Lakita Wilson

I recently read Be Real, Macy Weaver from the same author, which was a stunning Middle Grade drama and I want MORE. I’m truly looking forward to the gorgeous, the glittering, and the glamorous that undoubtedly awaits.

Sparkle by Lakita Wilson

The Lotterys Plus One

Emma Donoghue

This is one of those books I’ve been holding onto for just the right time because I absolutely know I’ll love it. Nontraditional family unit, chaotic homeschoolers, too many rescue animals, and making room for one cranky senior citizen. I can’t think of a better way to invest a winning lottery ticket.


Carl Hiaasen

I’m way overdue to sample Carl Hiaasen’s work. And, I’ll admit, the gorgeous new covers have given the books brand new appeal. Chomp has been recommended to me as an excellent starting point, but I’m curious: which Hiaasen title is YOUR favorite.

Chomp by Carl Hiaasen

Jude Saves the World

Ronnie Riley

Everything about this book sounds oh-so good. Stories about supportive friends and kids wanting to make a difference in small, actionable ways always hit me in the feels. I have a feeling this one will be an instant favorite.


Jude Watson

Don’t let the cover fool you into thinking these books are in any way a parody. Loot was one of my favorites last year for its masterful delivery of a thrilling high-stakes heist. 10/10 Recommended. 10/10 looking forward to this second adventure.


Are any of these Middle Grade reads on your 2024 TBR?

  • Share the books you’re excited to read soon in the comments below!
  • Recommend a book you think I’d like based on this round of selections.
  • Check out my progress through the many 2024 Reading Challenges I’m participating in!
  • Have a Middle Grade book coming out soon? Send me an ARC review request via my contact page.

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