10 Books I Can’t Stop Recommending

If you know just one reader, you probably already know that we can’t help ourselves from bringing books into every conversation. Because stuff reminds us of what we’ve read. And what we’ve read is awesome. And everyone should be able to experience that awesomeness for themselves. Thus, the never-ending book recommendations. Sorry, not sorry.

10 Books I Can't Stop Recommending

For today, I’ll be sharing some of the books (I’m limiting myself to 10) that I CAN’T stop recommending. Please, if you like me even a little bit, read these books. And then come back and tell me so we can have a nice chat.

Awkward by Svetlana Chmakova

10: Awkward by Svetlana Chmakova

If you’ve never read a graphic novel before, this is the one you’ll want to read first. If you don’t think you like graphic novels, Awkward will change your mind. Beautifully written, charming, expressive, and emotionally honest, I fell head over heels with this Middle Grade masterpiece.


The Mark of the Dragonfly by Jaleigh Johnson

9: The Mark of the Dragonfly by Jaleigh Johnson

It would be more than fair to say I’m not easily impressed, but Jaleigh Johnson’s writing is absolutely stunning and worthy of the highest praise. Detailed and dynamic, her Scifi-meets-Fantasy world is something unlike anything I’ve ever seen, and her way with words makes you want to explore every inch of it.


Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones

8: Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones

You knew I’d mention this one eventually. Howl’s Moving Castle is my favorite book. Of all time. Ever. If you only read one book from this list, I implore you to choose this one. It is a fairy tale unlike any other, told with a casual ease that is both disarming and utterly delightful.


The Peculiar by Stefan Bachmann

7: The Peculiar by Stefan Bachmann

Creeping at the edges of horror, this Victorian Steampunk story spins out a dark and dangerous thrill ride for brave readers. I still remember reading it at the edge of my seat, unable to set it aside. Unfortunately, creepy Middle Grade isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, so I’ve been forced to sit on this hidden gem.


The Beast of Talesend by Kyle Robert Shultz

6: The Beast of Talesend by Kyle Robert Shultz

Fairy tale retellings have a tendency to be quite similar to one another, but this particular iteration of Beauty and the Beast is an entirely new creature. Steampunk settings, a sharp sense of humor, and family-friendly flair make it hard to resist recommending the Beaumont & Beasley series on a regular basis.


Cucumber Quest Vol. 1: The Doughnut Kingdom by Gigi D.G.

5: Cucumber Quest by Gigi D.G.

Spoofing a classic hero’s quest, these colorful graphic novels are appealing to kids and adults alike. Conveniently whimsical at times but always flawlessly comedic, the series doesn’t take itself too seriously, so I can honestly say that it’s all in good fun.


Dragon Rider by Cornelia Funke

4: Dragon Rider by Cornelia Funke

One of the most memorable books from my childhood, Dragon Rider combines all the exciting and beautiful things we love about Fantasy and breathes new magic into them. I often recommend Cornelia Funke’s Inkworld trilogy in the same breath because her writing is just beautiful.


Kimchi & Calamari by Rose Kent

3: Kimchi & Calamari by Rose Kent

This contemporary comedy shows a surprising amount of heart in its exploration of what it means to be adopted. Clashing cultures, a crisis of identity, and redefined relationships all fold together into a beautiful, messy, delicious story that must be shared.


Diary of a Mad Brownie by Bruce Coville

2: Diary of a Mad Brownie by Bruce Coville

I don’t often find a book that makes me laugh out loud, so when one does, I have to make sure everyone hears about it. Yes, Bruce Coville is a seasoned children’s book author, but he’s new to me and discovering a new favorite author is always exciting.


Airball: My Life in Briefs by L. D. Harkrader

1: Airball: My Life in Briefs by L. D. Harkrader

I’m not usually the type to read books about sports, in fact, I’m not entirely sure what possessed me to pick this one up in the first place. But boy am I glad I did, because this book is absolutely one of the funniest, sharp-witted books I’ve read in a long time. A nice reminder-to-self that good things can come from stepping outside of the old comfort zone.


Have you read any of the books here? What did you think?

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