Book Review – The Tea Dragon Society

ONeill, Katie - Tea Dragon 1After rescuing a lost dragon, Greta is invited to learn more about the rare but feisty creatures known as Tea Dragons, whose magical leaves can evoke memories. Though the tradition is fading, the few who remain pass down their expertise to Greta and her shy new friend, Minette.



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Book Review – Igraine the Brave

Funke, Cornelia - Igraine the Brave Igraine comes from a magical family, but she would much rather follow in her grandfather’s footsteps and become a knight. Opportunity to test her mettle arrives when a magical mix-up makes it impossible for Igraine’s parents to protect their castle home and its enchanted inhabitants from a terrible neighbor and his evil knight.

The castle was not large; it had only a single tower, which leaned over sideways, and the walls weren’t much more than two feet thick, but Igraine thought it was the most beautiful castle in the world.

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Show & Tell – Curiosity Killed the Cat


I love finding something unexpected at the thrift store. This particular find had me laughing in the store, because I couldn’t put it down. Read it cover to cover right there, and then had to buy it so that I could share!

Question of the Day: Where do you find the best books/recommendations?


Favorite Fiction – The Heart of Glass


That feeling when a book cover really grabs you, but it’s in the middle of a series…


Question of the Day: What book covers have grabbed your attention recently?


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Favorite Fiction – The Bag of Bones


“Kiddohere’s a problem. We’ve got witches, we’ve got Evil, we’ve got an orphan, and we’ve got a kidnapping. What’s the deal?”

–The Bag of Bones by Vivian French


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Favorite Fiction – School of Fear


Madeleine was enraptured by Garrison’s tan complexion, which greatly differed from the pale boys of London. It wasn’t actually the boys’ fault, as the whole of the United Kingdom was under a cloud for much of the year. But at that moment, Madeleine decided that boys, like bread, were better toasted.

—School of Fear by Gitty Daneshvari


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