Design Lessons from Book Covers: Silhouettes

Because I’m a huge design nerd, I’m always looking at book covers, picking them apart, and trying to learn from their creators. Belatedly, I realized my inner dialogue might be entertaining, so today I’m sharing.

Design Lessons from Book Covers: Silhouettes

This time around, I’ll be highlighting book covers that feature silhouettes.

Continue reading “Design Lessons from Book Covers: Silhouettes”

Show & Tell – Drama


I’ll freely admit I often watch movies or shows simply for the costumes… what can I say, I love clothes!

Question of the Day: What are you dressing up as this Halloween?


Favorite Fiction – Fantasy


Some of my favorite fantasy reads. A lot of these writers have heavily influenced my ideas of what a good book should be. Imaginative folklore and compelling villains. Worlds that unfold as beautifully as if they’re characters instead of places. Heroes and heroines who believe in themselves and put their talents to good use. Friendships that melt your heart, and humor that keeps you coming back when you need a good laugh.

Question of the Day: What are your favorite fantasy books to recommend to friends?


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Favorite Fiction – The Heart of Glass


That feeling when a book cover really grabs you, but it’s in the middle of a series…


Question of the Day: What book covers have grabbed your attention recently?


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Favorite Fiction – Dear America


Historical fiction was one of my favorite things about being homeschooled. It technically counted as a part of our history homework. I could curl up and read about a girl who had to sell pig bristles to make money, or sisters who supported the troops by sewing coats for cute boys. In a way, history was exciting and unimaginable as any fantasy world.

Question of the Day: What’s your favorite historical fiction?


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Favorite Fiction – Little Women


“I want to do something splendid…something heroic or wonderful that won’t be forgotten after I’m dead. I don’t know what, but I’m on the watch for it and mean to astonish you all someday.”

—Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

Favorite Fiction – Pi Day


Happy Pi Day! I have a love-to-hate relationship with math, but I do love a good pun and a theme to work with.

Question of the Day: What’s your favorite school subject?


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Favorite Fiction – Once Upon a Marigold


Sometimes things that seem like good ideas in theory, in practice turn out to be the worst kinds of boneheaded blunders.

—Once Upon a Marigold by Jean Ferris


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Favorite Fiction – The Bag of Bones


“Kiddohere’s a problem. We’ve got witches, we’ve got Evil, we’ve got an orphan, and we’ve got a kidnapping. What’s the deal?”

–The Bag of Bones by Vivian French


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Favorite Fiction – Dragons


It’s not a good story until you’ve introduced the dragon. Or dragons. Here are a few recently devoured books that have a dragon on the cover. Recognize any of them?

Question of the Day: What dragon-centric stories would you recommend?


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