
Quote of the Day – Keeper

Quote of the Day

Her fingers traced the knobby outlines of her kneecaps. She had studied her knees a million times. Mermaids did not have knees. Keeper did. Her knees were right there.

Keeper by Kathi Appelt

Book Review – Keeper

Appelt, Kathi - KeeperWith a blue moon approaching, the promise of family traditions, natural wonders, and happy changes fill Keeper with anticipation. Until she goes and ruins everything. To make everything right again, Keeper sets out to make an important wish to Yemaya, the Big Mama of the ocean.

Wishes. Before today, Keeper had made plenty of wishes, like wishes on falling stars and wishes on rainbows and wishes on wishbones, all kinds of small wishes, like for Hershey’s Kisses with almonds and tie-dyed shoelaces. But now she needed a big wish, a giant wish.

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Quote of the Day – Keeper

Keeper didn’t know anyone else who had a resident seagull. How great was that? And they’d had one for five years—ever since that night when Captain had crash-landed into their kitchen window.

-Keeper by Kathi Appelt

Show & Tell – Summer Reading Bingo


June is over, and I managed to squeak in a BINGO! With a total of nine categories filled out on the board, I’m feeling pretty good about the dent in my summer reading pile.
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