Book Review – Skies of Dripping Gold

Heath, Hannah - Skies of Dripping GoldGabriel works hard to keep his sister, Lilly, in medicine. Her faith in the place where skies drip with gold keeps Lilly strong though her health continues to decline. But Gabriel knows once she’s gone he won’t have anything left to live for. So Gabriel decides to climb to Paradise and see for himself where Lilly’s belief will take her.

They entered the building that neither of them really wanted to enter, but still walked into six days of the week. He wasn’t sure why Cole did it, but Gabriel could explain his in a single, beautiful word: Lilly.

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Book Review – Beaumont & Beasley

Shultz, Kyle Robert, 1&2Nick Beasley is a professional myth buster, disproving conspiracies and scandals involving the so-called magic that’s been lost to history. But when a suspicious case leads to an unfortunate accident, Nick is forced to rethink everything he’s been fighting against and join forces with the feisty daughter of a nefarious noble to undo a famous fairy tale curse.

So, the people of the Afterlands closed their dusty old books, left their great palaces to crumble into ruin, and set off into the future to do more worthwhile things like inventing automobiles and airships.

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Book Review – The Crystal Tree

DjeRALuUYAEvyKRBriar’s efforts to rebuild her life shatter when a dangerous group of magicians arrive in Osman, bringing nothing but trouble and taking Briar’s sister, Ava, with them. Left with nothing, Briar chases down the Nameless Ones with the aid of some mysterious travelers and her own meager magic in a reckless attempt to save her family.

Briar squared her shoulders. There wasn’t really a choice here. If the soldiers couldn’t do anything to help her, then she was just going to have to go after Ava herself.

Continue reading “Book Review – The Crystal Tree”

Show & Tell – Finding Books to Read for #Indiecember

This month I’m participating in #Indiecember, a challenge designed to spread some holiday cheer to hardworking indie authors. It’s a great way to give back to the writing community, plus you could discover a new favorite book along the way.

(check out the official rules and download your own board)


So, how do you find good indie books?

  • Check out this epic list of titles that Megan Tennant compiled for #Indiecember! You might be surprised by just how many books and genres there are to pick from.
  • See what other people are reading via Twitter. Those of us participating are usually eager to get more people to read our new favorite book.
  • Do a little research. Bloggers, vloggers, and bookstagrammers know where you should start when it comes to the hottest indie titles. Be sure to check Goodreads lists, too!
  • Ask your friends and get them involved!


What do I recommend?

So glad you asked! Here are a few of my personal favorites:

~Meadowsweet by C. J. Milbrandt (first book of a trilogy, completed)
~The Beast of Talesend by Kyle Robert Shultz (first book of a series, ongoing)
~Colors of Fear by Hannah Heath (first short story of a collection, ongoing)
~The Three by Christa Kinde (first book of a trilogy, ongoing)
~The Electrical Menagerie by Mollie E. Reeder (first book of a series, ongoing)


What am I reading?

To keep things interesting, I’m only filling my bingo board with books I finish reading in December. Here are the first three books on my TBR:


FANTASY: The Crystal Tree by Imogen Elvis [YA Fantasy, Action/Adventure]

POETRY OR SHORT STORY: Antiheroes Anthology from the Phoenix Fiction Writers [Speculative Fiction]

20-40 AMAZON REVIEWS: The Tomb of the Sea Witch by Kyle Robert Shultz [Fantasy, Action/Adventure, Steampunk]


What are YOU reading?

Show & Tell – #Indiecember

Indie books are an up and coming trend for creative types, allowing writers an alternate avenue to share their work. It’s a cool option for ambitious types who like to manage their own projects from start to finish, writers of niche genres that don’t get enough attention from big-name publishers, or those career-minded people who want to build a platform before taking their work to a traditional publisher.

But there are some disadvantages to this route, including the difficulty of getting great stories into the ready hands of the right people. Which is why I’m so excited about #Indiecember.

(check out the official rules and download your own board)

#Indiecember is a bingo-style reading challenge designed to help these hardworking authors find the right readers. If you’ve never tried reading an indie title before, I encourage you to check out some of my favorites and give them a whirl!


Question of the Day: What are some of your favorite independently published titles?