
Bookstagram – Solace

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Quote of the Day – This Pain Inside

Quote of the Day

Charlie clenched her fists as the song took over, filling her with electricity and a sensation that she had not felt in a long time. It was tough as steel, yet light as air, hot as a welder’s torch, but steady as the Eastern current. It was sheer, stubborn, blind hope.

This Pain Inside by Hannah Heath


Quote of the Day – The Care and Feeding of a Pet Black Hole

Quote of the Day

“Okay,” I said, putting up my hands. “Let’s all just take it easy. I’ll go peacefully. No need for alarms. I’m too bookish for prison!”

The Care and Feeding of a Pet Black Hole by Michelle Cuevas

Favorite Fiction – The Final Frontier

Bookstagram photo featuring Zita the Spacegirl by Ben Hatke

Question of the Day: Would you rather explore outer space or find a portal to an alternate universe?


Favorite Fiction – The Secrets of Solace

Bookstagram photo featuring The Secrets of Solace by Jaleigh Johnson

I love reading books that blend themes together. I’m not normally big on SciFi, but mix it with some Fantasy and I’m sold!

Question of the Day: What are your favorite blended genre books?


Quote of the Day – Zinnia and the Bees

I take off down the sidewalk in a panic, tripping over people and shoes and strollers. It’s like a terrible, ridiculous attack-of-the-bees sci-fi movie is being filmed—except no one else knows about it, and I am, unfortunately, the star.

–Zinnia and the Bees by Danielle Davis

Book Review – The Care and Feeding of a Pet Black Hole

Cuevas, Michelle - Care and Feeding of a Pet Black HoleWhen a black hole follows Stella home one night, it’s up to her to care for the tiny, hungry phenomenon. Having a pet black hole can be convenient for getting rid of things that trouble her: Brussels sprouts, her brother’s annoying music, and things that remind her of her dad. But the more that goes into the void, the bigger her problems seem to grow.


I had a hunch that if Mom found out I was entertaining a space phenomenon in my room, she wouldn’t approve.

Continue reading “Book Review – The Care and Feeding of a Pet Black Hole”