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Quote of the Day – This Pain Inside

Quote of the Day

Charlie clenched her fists as the song took over, filling her with electricity and a sensation that she had not felt in a long time. It was tough as steel, yet light as air, hot as a welder’s torch, but steady as the Eastern current. It was sheer, stubborn, blind hope.

This Pain Inside by Hannah Heath


Quote of the Day – The Care and Feeding of a Pet Black Hole

Quote of the Day

“Okay,” I said, putting up my hands. “Let’s all just take it easy. I’ll go peacefully. No need for alarms. I’m too bookish for prison!”

The Care and Feeding of a Pet Black Hole by Michelle Cuevas


Quote of the Day – This Pain Inside

“Please let this work,” she prayed, as she did with every trial. About a year ago, she’d realized that God didn’t seem to be listening to her, but that didn’t matter. She’d keep praying until he did.

–This Pain Inside by Hannah Heath

Favorite Fiction – The Final Frontier

Bookstagram photo featuring Zita the Spacegirl by Ben Hatke

Question of the Day: Would you rather explore outer space or find a portal to an alternate universe?


Favorite Fiction – The Secrets of Solace

Bookstagram photo featuring The Secrets of Solace by Jaleigh Johnson

I love reading books that blend themes together. I’m not normally big on SciFi, but mix it with some Fantasy and I’m sold!

Question of the Day: What are your favorite blended genre books?


Quote of the Day – Zinnia and the Bees

I take off down the sidewalk in a panic, tripping over people and shoes and strollers. It’s like a terrible, ridiculous attack-of-the-bees sci-fi movie is being filmed—except no one else knows about it, and I am, unfortunately, the star.

–Zinnia and the Bees by Danielle Davis

Book Review – The Care and Feeding of a Pet Black Hole

Cuevas, Michelle - Care and Feeding of a Pet Black HoleWhen a black hole follows Stella home one night, it’s up to her to care for the tiny, hungry phenomenon. Having a pet black hole can be convenient for getting rid of things that trouble her: Brussels sprouts, her brother’s annoying music, and things that remind her of her dad. But the more that goes into the void, the bigger her problems seem to grow.


I had a hunch that if Mom found out I was entertaining a space phenomenon in my room, she wouldn’t approve.

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