
Quote of the Day – Barnaby Brown and the Glass Sea

Susannah crumpled at Barnaby’s feet and clutched his knee.

“I know I always give you a hard time and have pretty much been the worst sister ever, but you know I love you, right?”

Barnaby frowned.

“What’s wrong with you? Are you sick?”

–Barnaby Brown and the Glass Sea by E. B. Dawson

Quote of the Day – This Pain Inside

“Please let this work,” she prayed, as she did with every trial. About a year ago, she’d realized that God didn’t seem to be listening to her, but that didn’t matter. She’d keep praying until he did.

–This Pain Inside by Hannah Heath

Quote of the Day – Sounds of Deceit

Some people thought that camouflage meant blending into the surroundings, but they were wrong. Camouflage was misdirection: A visual lie. And very few people could tell a lie as well as she.

–Sounds of Deceit by Hannah Heath

Quote of the Day – Backpack Boy

Sharks in the water poke out their fins as they swim in hungry circles. The boy has read books about sharks; he knows they like to eat sandwiches the best, so he isn’t afraid of them.

–Backpack Boy by Nate Philbrick

Book Review – Wizard at Work

Velde, Vivian Vande - Wizard at WorkIt’s summer, and all the wizard wants to do is relax now that school is out. But, of course, that doesn’t happen. With princesses to rescue, dragons to chase, and ghosts to hunt down, a wizard’s work is never done. Continue reading “Book Review – Wizard at Work”

Book Review – Skies of Dripping Gold

Heath, Hannah - Skies of Dripping GoldGabriel works hard to keep his sister, Lilly, in medicine. Her faith in the place where skies drip with gold keeps Lilly strong though her health continues to decline. But Gabriel knows once she’s gone he won’t have anything left to live for. So Gabriel decides to climb to Paradise and see for himself where Lilly’s belief will take her.

They entered the building that neither of them really wanted to enter, but still walked into six days of the week. He wasn’t sure why Cole did it, but Gabriel could explain his in a single, beautiful word: Lilly.

Continue reading “Book Review – Skies of Dripping Gold”

Show & Tell – Finding Books to Read for #Indiecember

This month I’m participating in #Indiecember, a challenge designed to spread some holiday cheer to hardworking indie authors. It’s a great way to give back to the writing community, plus you could discover a new favorite book along the way.

(check out the official rules and download your own board)


So, how do you find good indie books?

  • Check out this epic list of titles that Megan Tennant compiled for #Indiecember! You might be surprised by just how many books and genres there are to pick from.
  • See what other people are reading via Twitter. Those of us participating are usually eager to get more people to read our new favorite book.
  • Do a little research. Bloggers, vloggers, and bookstagrammers know where you should start when it comes to the hottest indie titles. Be sure to check Goodreads lists, too!
  • Ask your friends and get them involved!


What do I recommend?

So glad you asked! Here are a few of my personal favorites:

~Meadowsweet by C. J. Milbrandt (first book of a trilogy, completed)
~The Beast of Talesend by Kyle Robert Shultz (first book of a series, ongoing)
~Colors of Fear by Hannah Heath (first short story of a collection, ongoing)
~The Three by Christa Kinde (first book of a trilogy, ongoing)
~The Electrical Menagerie by Mollie E. Reeder (first book of a series, ongoing)


What am I reading?

To keep things interesting, I’m only filling my bingo board with books I finish reading in December. Here are the first three books on my TBR:


FANTASY: The Crystal Tree by Imogen Elvis [YA Fantasy, Action/Adventure]

POETRY OR SHORT STORY: Antiheroes Anthology from the Phoenix Fiction Writers [Speculative Fiction]

20-40 AMAZON REVIEWS: The Tomb of the Sea Witch by Kyle Robert Shultz [Fantasy, Action/Adventure, Steampunk]


What are YOU reading?

Show & Tell – Summer Reading Wrap-Up

It’s been a great summer of reading. In total, I’ve plowed through about 30 books in the last 3 months! I owe a lot of my success to the various reading challenges that went up this summer, mainly from #MGBookVillage and #MGCarousel.

Continue reading “Show & Tell – Summer Reading Wrap-Up”