Book Review: Mulrox and the Malcognitos

Book Review

Mulrox and the Malcognitos

Kerelyn Smith

Rating: 4 out of 5.

No one who had a choice lived near the edge of the woods—only the oddballs and outcasts. And Yahgurkin’s grotesque garden and Mulrox’s rambling hodgepodge of a home were the weirdest of the lot.

read elza’s review of MULROX AND THE MALCOGNITOS

Book Review – Igraine the Brave

Funke, Cornelia - Igraine the Brave Igraine comes from a magical family, but she would much rather follow in her grandfather’s footsteps and become a knight. Opportunity to test her mettle arrives when a magical mix-up makes it impossible for Igraine’s parents to protect their castle home and its enchanted inhabitants from a terrible neighbor and his evil knight.

The castle was not large; it had only a single tower, which leaned over sideways, and the walls weren’t much more than two feet thick, but Igraine thought it was the most beautiful castle in the world.

Continue reading “Book Review – Igraine the Brave”

Book Review – Cucumber Quest 1: The Doughnut Kingdom

D.G, Gigi - CucoQuest1, Doughnut Kingdom Cucumber is all set to move into a prestigious magic school, but fate, a magic oracle, and his pushy parents have other plans. Instead, Cuco is sent on an epic quest across the Doughnut Kingdom, aided by his brave little sister, Almond, to try and prevent the return of the terrible Nightmare Knight.

Continue reading “Book Review – Cucumber Quest 1: The Doughnut Kingdom”


Quote of the Day – The Castle in the Attic

If he let himself believe that, he would lie down in the middle of the road and give up. So he took the thought right out of his mind and left it sitting there on the side of the road.

-The Castle in the Attic by Elizabeth Winthrop

Favorite Fiction – Once Upon a Marigold


Sometimes things that seem like good ideas in theory, in practice turn out to be the worst kinds of boneheaded blunders.

—Once Upon a Marigold by Jean Ferris


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Favorite Fiction – Dragons


It’s not a good story until you’ve introduced the dragon. Or dragons. Here are a few recently devoured books that have a dragon on the cover. Recognize any of them?

Question of the Day: What dragon-centric stories would you recommend?


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